Edema in Feet ICD 10

Edema in feet is a common medical condition characterized by the accumulation of excessive fluid in the tissues of the feet and ankles. It can be caused by various underlying health conditions and can lead to discomfort and mobility issues. In the medical field, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), provides a systematic way to code and categorize different health conditions, including edema in the feet. This article will explore edema in the feet, its ICD-10 codes, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. 

ICD-10 Codes for Edema in the Feet 

In the ICD-10 system, edema is classified under Chapter 4 (Diseases of the Circulatory System) and is categorized with codes beginning with the letter “I.” The specific code used for edema in the feet may vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Here are some ICD-10 codes that can be associated with edema in the feet: 

  • I87.2 – Venous Insufficiency (Chronic) (Peripheral) (With Ulcer) (Stasis Dermatitis) (Stasis Ulcer) – This code is used when edema in the feet is caused by chronic venous insufficiency, a condition where the veins in the legs have difficulty returning blood to the heart, leading to swelling and other symptoms. 
  • I83.90 – Varicose Veins of Unspecified Lower Extremity with Ulcer – Varicose veins can cause edema in the lower extremities, including the feet. This code is used when edema is associated with varicose veins and the development of ulcers. 
  • R60.0 – Localized Edema – When edema is localized specifically in the feet without an underlying systemic cause, this code may be used. 
  • R60.9 – Edema, Not Elsewhere Classified – This code can be used when edema is present in the feet but the specific cause or condition is not documented. 
  • I96 – Gangrene, Not Elsewhere Classified – In severe cases, edema can lead to tissue damage and gangrene. This code is used when gangrene is present in the feet due to edema. 

Causes of Edema in the Feet 

Edema in the feet can have a wide range of causes, and understanding the underlying factors is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some common causes of edema in the feet: 

  • Venous Insufficiency: Chronic venous insufficiency is a common cause of edema in the feet. It occurs when the valves in the leg veins do not function properly, leading to blood pooling in the legs and feet. 
  • Varicose Veins: Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins that can lead to edema in the lower extremities, including the feet. 
  • Heart Failure: Congestive heart failure can cause fluid to accumulate in the feet and ankles. This occurs because the heart is unable to pump blood effectively, leading to fluid retention. 
  • Kidney Disease: Kidney disease can lead to a buildup of waste and excess fluid in the body, resulting in edema, often in the feet and ankles. 
  • Liver Disease: Liver cirrhosis can cause a decrease in protein production, leading to fluid retention and edema in various parts of the body, including the feet. 
  • Lymphatic Obstruction: Blockage or damage to the lymphatic system can prevent the normal drainage of fluid from tissues, leading to edema. 
  • Injury or Trauma: Physical injuries to the feet, such as sprains, fractures, or soft tissue damage, can result in localized edema. 
  • Medications: Some medications, such as calcium channel blockers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can cause fluid retention and edema as side effects. 
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women often experience edema, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, due to increased pressure on blood vessels and hormonal changes. 
  • Infections: Certain infections, including cellulitis, can lead to localized edema in the affected area, which may include the feet. 

Symptoms of Edema in the Feet 

The symptoms of edema in the feet can vary depending on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. Common symptoms include: 

  • Swelling: The most noticeable symptom of edema is swelling in the feet and ankles. The swelling may be mild or severe and can affect one or both feet. 
  • Puffiness: Edema often causes the affected area to appear puffy or enlarged compared to the unaffected foot. 
  • Tightness and Discomfort: Swollen feet can feel tight and uncomfortable. This may make it difficult to wear shoes or walk comfortably. 
  • Skin Changes: The skin over the swollen area may become stretched, shiny, or discolored. In some cases, it may be warm to the touch. 
  • Pain: Edema can be associated with pain, especially if it is caused by an injury or underlying medical condition. 
  • Reduced Range of Motion: Severe edema can limit the range of motion in the feet and ankles, making it challenging to move them freely. 
  • Ulcers: In cases of chronic edema, open sores or ulcers may develop on the skin, particularly if there is poor circulation. 

Diagnosing Edema in the Feet 

To diagnose edema in the feet, healthcare professionals will typically perform a thorough evaluation, which may include: 

  • Medical History: Gathering information about the patient’s medical history, including any underlying conditions, medications, and recent injuries. 
  • Physical Examination: A physical examination of the feet and ankles to assess the extent of swelling, skin changes, and any signs of infection or injury. 
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to check for underlying medical conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, or heart failure. 
  • Imaging: In some cases, imaging tests like ultrasound or Doppler studies may be ordered to evaluate blood flow and rule out conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT). 
  • Lymphatic Studies: If lymphatic obstruction is suspected, lymphatic imaging or studies may be performed. 
  • Echocardiogram: If heart failure is suspected, an echocardiogram may be done to assess heart function. 
  • Biopsy: In cases of unexplained or severe edema, a tissue biopsy may be necessary to determine the underlying cause. 

Treatment Options for Edema in the Feet 

The treatment of edema in the feet depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. Here are some common treatment options: 

  • Managing Underlying Conditions: If edema is a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as heart failure, kidney disease, or liver disease, managing that condition is a priority. 
  • Medications: Diuretics (water pills) may be prescribed to help the body eliminate excess fluid. Medications that improve blood flow and reduce inflammation may also be used. 
  • Compression Therapy: Wearing compression stockings or bandages can help reduce swelling by improving circulation in the legs and feet. 
  • Elevation: Elevating the legs and feet above heart level whenever possible can assist in reducing swelling. 
  • Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle modifications, such as reducing salt intake, losing weight, and engaging in regular exercise, can help prevent and manage edema. 
  • Physical Therapy: In cases of injury-related edema, physical therapy may be recommended to improve range of motion and promote healing. 
  • Surgery: In severe cases of edema with complications like ulcers or tissue damage, surgical interventions may be necessary to remove excess fluid or repair damaged veins. 
  • Lymphedema Management: For cases of lymphedema, specialized lymphatic drainage therapy and compression techniques may be used to manage swelling. 
  • Self-Care: Patients can take steps to manage edema at home, including rest, elevation, and avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing. 

Preventing Edema in the Feet 

While not all cases of edema can be prevented, there are steps individuals can take to reduce their risk and manage the condition: 

  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help improve circulation and prevent fluid buildup in the feet and ankles. 
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess body weight can put additional pressure on the legs and feet, contributing to edema. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce this risk. 
  • Elevate the Feet: When sitting or lying down, raising the feet above heart level can help prevent edema. 
  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: If your job or daily activities involve long periods of sitting or standing, take breaks to move and stretch your legs. 
  • Limit Salt Intake: High salt intake can lead to fluid retention. Reducing salt in your diet can help prevent edema. 
  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for overall health and can help maintain fluid balance in the body. 
  • Follow Medical Advice: If you have an underlying medical condition that increases the risk of edema, follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for managing the condition. 


Edema in the feet is a common medical condition with various potential causes, ranging from underlying health conditions to injuries and medications. Understanding the ICD-10 codes associated with edema can help healthcare providers accurately document and treat the condition. Timely diagnosis and appropriate management are essential to alleviate discomfort, prevent complications, and improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing edema in the feet. If you suspect you have edema, consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and personalized treatment plan.