Tips to Incorporate Mindful Breaks from Technology 1

Not just meditation calls for mindful times. The desire to develop a more aware presence in our daily life is one of the reasons we start a meditation practice.

But a lot of things might get in the way of maintaining that inner serenity throughout the day, and technology is one of the main culprits.

The numerous devices that divert us on a daily basis include our laptops, tablets, and phones.

To concentrate on your law dissertation topics in our fast-paced, digital world where technology is a part of every day life, you must have a conscientious approach towards its use.

Instead of allowing technology to become a constant source of stress and distraction, we may use it to our advantage.

We can alter the way we use technology and make it beneficial to our mental and emotional health by cultivating mindful digital habits.

When our cellphones ding or ring, we often grab them out of boredom or curiosity.This undermines productivity while attempting to complete tasks without law coursework writing service UK based that need for thoughtful thought. It can also ruin opportunities to spend quality time with our loved ones and authentic self. (Millard, 2023)

Making Use of Mindfulness

Being aware is paying attention to the here and now in a nonjudgmental manner. In order to remain anchored in a given moment, mindfulness and technology practice aims to develop the capacity to be present to internal signals (thoughts, feelings, and sensations), outward environmental stimuli, and our own breathing.

Digital health and wellness for students can lower the stress hormone cortisol, enhance blood pressure and heart rate, and eventually alter how we react to stressful events

This illustrates that mindfulness is a talent that we can develop through practice. But how can we accomplish this when we have many screens open on our phone at once, email pop-ups, and app notifications?  (Booth, 2023)

Even when we don’t have notifications enabled, we may still check our phones frequently.


Tips For Taking Break From Technology

  1. Store And Silence Your Devices

Make sure all notifications and noises are off on your digital gadgets and put them out of sight.

Put your phone in a drawer, for instance, and make sure it is on mute. Remove your Fitbit and store it somewhere you won’t be able to see it. It could distract you if you feel it on your wrist.  Switch off your computer and head to a tech-free area.

  1. Select The Correct Settlement

Choose a space where there aren’t many distractions from technology. Depending on things like pets, children, and clutter, this might be challenging.

If that’s the case for you, disconnect by going to a park, the beach, or your backyard. Ensure your success by selecting the ideal setting.

  1. Change Your Perspective of Senses

To bring your attention to the present moment, begin by gently noting objects in your surroundings. Take note of the colours around you, tune in to the noises, and smell anything if there is any scent.

  1. Take deep breaths

To feel more at ease in quiet and to connect inside, the greatest method to breathe deeply is to do so.

Additionally, it facilitates communication and triggers our relaxation response.  Deep breathing will get easier the more you do this. (Singh, 2023)

  1. Selective

Shut your eyes: If the setting is suitable, close your eyes lightly and focus on taking a calm, steady breath.

Please be aware that you are free to softly close your eyes or, if you would choose, maintain a gentle stare at a point in front of you.

  1. Permitting Yourself To Just Be

Permit yourself to simply exist in this moment. Permit yourself to enjoy this moment of mindfulness, and consider making it an affirmation. Breathe in and out and tell yourself, “I am granting myself permission to disconnect.” Tell yourself this again.

  1. Introspection

Let your breathing settle back into a regular pattern after setting aside some time, then open your eyes. After the thoughtful break, pause to observe any internal shifts in your energy, mood, or awareness.

Impact of Technology Break

Research has been done on both sides of the question of whether using social media increases stress or reduces it.

However, the majority of specialists in the field concur that it is typically beneficial to be more deliberate about your virtual habits and attentive of the amount of time you spend using tech.

Research indicates that intentional use of social networking sites, such as those used to build relationships with people you know in real life, may improve well-being.

However, a review of studies suggests that using these online resources in a passive, non-connection-forming manner—such as “Facebook stalking” your ex—may not have the same positive effects on well-being.


When using technology, pay attention to your feelings when using it. Observe the physical and mental responses you get from spending time on news or social media platforms.

Take a pause and engage in something that makes you feel good if you start to experience unpleasant feelings like tension or worry.

You’ll have more time for creativity, connection, and self-care if you take a vacation from technology. Set limits, designate no-tech areas, have a tech-free day, locate substitute activities, and use caution when using technology.

Visit our website to purchase our Me Time Book or check out the other audios we offer on our app if you’re seeking for additional advice on productivity, resilience, wellness, or mentality.

Works Cited

Millard, E., 2023. 5 Tips for Kick-Starting a ‘Mindful Tech’ Self-Care Habit. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 February 2024].

Singh, H., 2023. Mindful Tech Usage: Harnessing Technology for Well-Being Instead of Distraction. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 February 2024].

Booth, M., 2023. Top Tips – Digital Detox: 5 tips for unplugging and taking a break from technology. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 February 2024] Embrace the freedom to nurture your creativity, foster deeper connections, and prioritize self-care by taking a break from technology. Set boundaries, carve out tech-free zones, dedicate days to unplugging, explore alternative activities, and approach technology use mindfully. R